

Research helps students gain in-depth knowledge and valuable experience that allows them to become even more effective problem solvers, applying software in a variety of disciplines.

Two students work at a computer.

The mission of CISA is to conduct research in information assurance and computer security, teach students about information assurance and collaborate in the professional community.

Professor explains code displayed on a large screen.

The SAnToS Lab conducts research on a range of topics in programming language semantics, analysis and software engineering.

Three researchers work on programming a robot.

Cyber-physical systems research explores design, development, analysis, verification and validation of embedded control systems.

Three students work on laptops.

Our core strengths include approaches to the analysis of natural language text; linked, spatial and temporal data; security data; and biological data.

Students in a classroom.

The Cyber Pipeline Initiative seeks to broaden participation in computing by assisting Kansas K-12 schools in bringing quality computer science instruction to all Kansas students.