At least 17 hours from the following:
- BIOCH 265 Introductory Organic and Biochemistry (5 hours)
- BIOCH 521 General Biochemistry (3 hours)
- BIOL 198 Principles of Biology (4 hours)
- BIOL 401 Organismic Biology (5 hours)
- BIOL 450 Modern Genetics (4 hours)
- BIOL 455 General Microbiology (4 hours)
- CHM 210 Chemistry I (4 hours)
- CHM 230 Chemistry II (4 hours)
- At most one of CHM 350 General Organic Chemistry (3 hours) or CHM 531 Organic Chemistry I (3 hours)
- CHM 371 Chemical Analysis (4 hours)
- CHM 550 Organic Chemistry II (3 hours)
- GEOL 100 Earth in Action (3 hours)
- GEOL 102 Earth Through Time (3 hours)
- GEOL 103 Geology Laboratory (1 hour)
- GEOL 502 Mineralogy (3 hours)
- MATH 222 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (4 hours)
- MATH 340 Elementary Differential Equations (4 hours)
- MATH 506 Introduction to Number Theory (3 hours)
- MATH 511 Introduction to Algebraic Systems (3 hours)
- MATH 512 Introduction to Modern Algebra (3 hours)
- MATH 515 Introduction to Linear Algebra (3 hours)
- MATH 551 Applied Matrix Theory (3 hours)
- MATH 572 Foundations of Geometry (3 hours)
- MATH 633 Advanced Calculus I (3 hours)
- At most one of PHYS 113 General Physics I (4 hours), PHYS 213 Engineering Physics I (5 hours), or PHYS 223 Physics I, Mechanics, and Thermodynamics (5 hours)
- At most one of PHYS 114 General Physics II (4 hours), PHYS 214 Engineering Physics II (5 hours), or PHYS 224 Physics II, Electromagnetism, and Sound (5 hours)
- PHYS 325 Physics III, Relativity and Quantum Physics (4 hours)
- STAT 511 Introductory Probability and Statistics II (3 hours)
One of the following two-semester sequences must be included:
- BIOL 198 and 401 (9 hours)
- CHM 210 and 230 (8 hours)
- PHYS 213 and 214 (10 hours)
- PHYS 223 and 224 (10 hours)
One of the following mathematics courses must be included:
- MATH 222 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (4 hours)
- MATH 340 Elementary Differential Equations (4 hours)
- MATH 506 Introduction to Number Theory (3 hours)
- MATH 511 Introduction to Algebraic Systems (3 hours)
- MATH 512 Introduction to Modern Algebra (3 hours)
- MATH 515 Introduction to Linear Algebra (3 hours)
- MATH 551 Applied Matrix Theory (3 hours)
- MATH 572 Foundations of Geometry (3 hours)
- MATH 633 Advanced Calculus I (3 hours)
- STAT 511 Introductory Probability and Statistics II (3 hours)